Sunday, May 5, 2013

Clutter Busting Challenge-Day 5

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
  • She eateth not the bread of idleness

Today is Day 5 of the Clutter Busting Challenge--our task, should we choose to do so--and you know you really need to--is to get rid ourselves of the clutter in our houses, by turning loose of (at least) seven things every day during the month of May. Big or small, trash or "treasure", give away or throw away, sell or donate, it doesn't matter, just get rid of it!

Today's clutter is a "leather" tote bag,four catalogs, a wireless mouse that doesn't work, and hair dryer that barely works and smells like smoke when it's turned on--that I held onto because it was my favorite and worked really well with my hair type--when it worked.  The tote is now in the give away/donate box, and the rest--already in the trash.

What did you get rid of today?

Until next time...
(see more posts in this Clutter Busting Challenge)


  1. Hi Charlene! Sorry I haven't commented the last couple of days. Spring finally sprung and we've been outdoors cleaning up the garden, mowing and just generally working our tails off. Been falling into bed exhausted at the end of the day. But I've been clutter busting all along also! The other day I got so disgusted with my spring clothes being stored all over the house that I got them all out and put the winter stuff away, which resulted in a pretty big pile for the thrift store. My son was inspired to do the same, so now we have two large bags of clothes. While I was at it, I went through all my costume jewelry, evening bags, scarves, etc. and made up a big box to send to my granddaughter for playing dress up. Does the garage count? Threw out all those plastic containers that plants come in. Always thought I was going to reuse them, but I know I won't. Anyway, lots of clutter busting going on here! Hope you are enjoying your mini-vacation!

    1. Wow! You're doing great! We're headed home now, should be back by tomorrow afternoon, and I really, really, really need to get started on some major clutter busting around my house. We're hoping to have some extended family visit us this summer, and oh, my, do we have a lot to do be ready! That's my main incentive that I'm using for motivation, but in reality, I'm so tired of it being that way that I'm ready to make some changes. Good for you for getting rid of so much!

  2. You are doing a great job. After reading about all your success with this challenge, I decided I would do it as well. I have plenty of clutter! LOL!

    1. I checked it out, you're doing great! I think I need to go some to catch up with both of you ladies!


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