Monday, February 9, 2009

New Every Morning

  • The Lord's lovingkindesses indeed shall never cease, for His compassions never fail.

  • They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23 (NAS)

I've been thinking for a while about some changes I need to make--in myself, in my routine, in my habits. My intentions are good, but sometimes I tend to procrastinate. You know how it is.

  • I'll start that exercise routine--after the holidays.
  • I'll go on a diet--starting Monday.
  • I'll quit using credit cards--as soon as I get back from vacation.
  • I'll go back to school to get my degree--as soon as the kids are older.

Some of my goals are noble

  • Read my Bible more
  • Spend more time in prayer--for myself, my family, my world
  • Pick up my studying again--for ministry, and for myself
  • Pursue ministry opportunities

Some are mundane

  • Make my bed every day
  • Floss more
  • Cook and eat more vegetables
  • Keep the clutter more at bay

I'm often well-intentioned; not-so-often successful at my goals of transformation. And periodically I wake up and think, "Here I go--again" Starting over at this or that--again.

New Years is one of those times we think we should start everything---the diet, the exercise program, even the Through the Bible in a Year reading program!

Well, as usual, I didn't do any of those things. I even got a exercise thingy AND a One-Year-Bible for Christmas--both gifts I had requested, at that. And have yet to take a crack at either of them.

But this morning, as I was deriding myself again about lost opportunities again--I was reminded of the scripture that I quoted at the top of this post.

  • The Lord's loving kindnesses shall never cease.
  • His compassions shall never fail.
  • They are new EVERY morning.
  • Great is His faithfulness

Even when I'm not faithful, He is faithful. His loving kindnessess and compassion are new EVERY morning.

I hate cliches, like "This is the first day of the rest of your life". So I won't say that. What I will say is this:

This is the first day of the next year of your life.

Happy New Year.

Until next time...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Get the 4-1-1 on free 411 calls

Do you remember when calling "Information Please" was free? I do. I can even remember when you talked to a real person, too!

When I'm at home, I seldom call information; if there's a number I can't find in the phone book, I get online and go to the company website, if it's a business, or to or if I'm looking for a person, or a business if I can't find a website.

My worst moments of weakness are when I'm in the car with my cell phone and need a number. I tried keeping an extra local phone book in my car, but it usually ends up shoved up under the seat where I can't find it. So I admit, I've been guilty of calling 4-1-1 from my car. It may not seem like much, but those extra charges can really add up, and these days I measure money by how many coupons I've clipped to save that amount!

I recently came across two different numbers you can call to get FREE "Information" calls.

One of them is from Google, the computer services giant. For that one, just call:

1-800-GOOG-411 (1-800-466-4411)

The other number you can call for free "Information" is:

1-800-FREE-411 (1-800-373-3411)

I'm planning to program at least one of these into my cell phone, so I'll have NO excuse for unnecessary 4-1-1 charges taking a bite out of my budget!

Until next time....


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