Friday, July 16, 2010

My Favorite Bible Verse--For Now!

One of the lovely ladies I became acquainted with during the recent Bloggerette Sorority was Cindy, who crafts and blogs at Whimsical Musings. Right now she has a linky party going at her "prayer and share" blog, I Owe it All to Him, where she's asking each of us to share our favorite Bible verse.

Like most of us, it's hard for me to pin down a "favorite" verse, I have so many that speak to me at different times. But this is my favorite for now:
  • Look, I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go. I will bring you back to this land, for I will not leave you until I have done what I promised you. (Genesis 28:15, Holman Christian Standard Version)

Right now, I'm in a season of great uncertainty--the project my husband has been working on for the last two years is coming to an end, and we really don't know where or for how long his company will send him next. We don't know if I'll be able to go with him, or if I'll be "home alone" while he works away. I have a hard time with this, because it effects the plans I make when I go home next month. Will I be there just a few weeks, or for months? Am I home to stay, or just passing through? Will this be a short time apart, or another long one? How do I plan? What do I do? Should I plant a garden this fall? Buy some flowers for the porch? Update my resume' and go back to work? What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

So you'll understand why the verse I'm sharing meant a lot to me when I read it last week. Jacob had just left his family, and was sleeping in the wilderness when the Lord appeared to him in a dream. He was also in a time of great uncertainty. I don't presume to be a patriarch like Jacob. (Or even a matriarch!) But I appreciate that the Lord knows where we are, and where we're going, and what we'll be going through until we get there.

Until next time...


  1. Oh Charlene,
    I am so glad you linked this up...I will definitely be praying for you that you find direction and that you can be with your husband....

    I really know what that uncertainty feels like...Last year, my husband was gone for 5 months and my family is in another state...I don't know how I got thru seemed like a lifetime...

    I am praying for your husband's work and praying that you will be together...I know that this verse must be such a comfort to you....It is wonderful.
    Hugs and Blessings,

  2. The God of All Comfort be with you and keep you. How do folks who do not believe live? I cannot imagine trusting only my own feeble self. peace and blessings...olive♥

  3. Such a comforting verse. To know we are never forgotten or out of His grip.

  4. I think uncertainty can even be more difficult than the certainty of a bad conclusion sometimes. I will pray for you and your husband and like Jacob the Lord will go ahead of you. Blessings, Patty

  5. So appropriate to choose that scripture, Charlene. In many respects, it is also for us all, because each day is a new adventure. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Oh Charlene,
    I just wanted to let you know that later in the day yesterday I posted a Bible marker that I just made and you are welcome to come get it and make copies!

  7. Ah, yes, I do see how God used that to speak comfort to your heart. I am always amazed at His intimacy with his Children. I love it how he speaks comfort to us. I love how He loves us!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this and for sharing your heart. I will be praying for your family during this time...

    I sit here and think...what can I share? What can I say?

    You see my husband and I have been on a journey for the last 22 months now with him not having steady employment. We have dealt with more storms in our lives than we have ever faced in our entire lives together and separately...

    I said to my husband a few times,,'the storms are fierce, but God is BIGGER'...

    God IS bigger...sigh...

    The let go and let God definitely applies to your situation also doesn't it..letting go, letting God.

    We don't know what to do, we don't know much these days,,but what I DO know is that God has never left us nor forsaken us...God IS good ALL the time...


  9. Praying for you and your family. That is a good verse.


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