Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A Virtuous Woman (Now) Has A Morning Routine

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
  • She eateth not the bread of idleness

I know I was really hit or miss the first week of the 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge, but it's hard to believe it's already Day 17.  

Today's task is to clean frequently touched items, like door knobs and light switches.  This would be a really good thing to do around my house, especially since I'm just getting over the worst head cold I've had in years. Unfortunately, this is one of the days I spend outside the house in my office at church. It's such an easy thing I thought I'd have time to do it before I left for the day, but alas, it's not done, although I hope to add it to tomorrow's schedule.

However--ya'll remember, right, when I was working on Making New Habits at the first of the year? I did well some of the time, not-so-great some of the time, and down right terrible some of the time.  After I fell and hurt myself physically, that gave me a good excuse to wallow in the already-deep pool of poor-pitiful-me that I was wallowing in emotionally and even spiritually.  And my physical environment reflected it, too--remember the "before" pictures of the bedroom?? (Did I tell ya'll that when my mother read that post, she asked me if I had messed it up worse than it really was for the pictures?  And I had to tell her, "no, mom, that was really what it looked like."  And she was aghast, as I knew she would be.)

What I'm getting to with this long, long, explanation, is that the focus on habits, even though I'd had less than stellar results with some of them, combined with these 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge tasks that are manageable, yet show an immediate, visual result, have somehow meshed in my brain, and I have to say, ladies, that my house looks better than it has in a very, very long time. 

So---even though I didn't get to the doorknobs and switchplates, I did do these things:
  • Made the bed, including the "frou-frou" pillows
  • Did my daily "swish & swipe" in the bathroom
  • Put up last nights clean dishes, washed the few from this morning, wiped the stove and countertops
  • Picked up a couple of things in the living room that didn't belong and put them away
  • And of course, dressed "to shoes" in appropriate clothing, including hair and make-up ("of course" since I had to go someplace today!)
Overall, just left the house, not in perfect condition, but generally in good shape for my family when they come home tonight. 

Did you "look well to the ways" of your household today?

Until next time...

This post is linked to:
Making My Home Sing Monday at Mom's the Word

To see other posts in this series, click on Clean in 30


  1. Good for you! I love cleaning challenges and love Organized Home's spring cleaning as well as their fall Grand Plan challenge. But when I hurt my back in January I couldn't participate this year.

    I am now able to clean my house again, although I have to do things differently than I did before.

    I have to break up my vacuuming and can't lean forward anymore. I have to keep my back straight and now it's sort of like I'm dancing with my vacuuming as I step forward WITH it instead of bending forward and stretching my arm out.

    Isn't it nice to come home or wake up to a clean house?

    Thanks so much for linking up to the "Making Your Home Sing Monday" linky party today! :)

    1. I have to be careful of my back, and take frequent rest breaks, too.
      I love your analogy of "dancing with the vacuum"!

      I'm reall loving having the house stay clean these days.

      And thanks for hosting!


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