Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Vintage "Find"

  • She is like the merchant's ships, she bringeth her food (and other things) from afar
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household

When I was home in Louisiana for the holidays, I was a little disappointed the the busy-ness and weather conspired to keep me from doing any thrifting. So imagine my delight when I made a vintage "find"--right in my own cabinet among my everyday dishes.

I had totally forgotten that I had this, it was tucked in among some small plates.

You can see it isn't in the greatest shape--lots of nicks underneath the rim...

...but it is a Homer Laughlin, and was manufactured in August of 1948, so I think the "wrinkles" are well deserved and easily forgiven. (I know how to "read" this particular mark, thanks to Suzanne from Coloradolady who told me what the numbers meant when I shared another Homer Laughlin find awhile back.)

I was trying to remember where this came from--I think my son brought it home from the little flea market where he used to work part time, hubby thinks it came from the Salvation Army in Colorado Springs, who knows?

Of course I immediately had to get my camera and I've couldn't wait to share!

This post is linked to:

Vintage Thingie Thursday
at Coloradolady

Thrifty Thursday
at Tales from Bloggeritaville

Until next time...


  1. We know we have too much stuff when we find great vintage items in our own cupboards!! haha Been there, done that, too.

  2. SO glad that I'm not the only one who forgets what stuff she has! That's a beautiful plate, but then I think I like everything that Homer Laughlin ever made! Keep searching those cupboards. You might find more treasures!
    Happy VTT!

  3. I LOVE this pattern. I found a platter and a couple of cups at the GoodWill last year. I always am on the lookout for Homer Laughlin dishes. Thanks for sharing. BTW I love your blog :-)


  4. I love your little's pattern is just beautiful. Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend.

  5. Charlene, How awesome is it to discover a treasure in your home that you forgot you had! What a great day! And the plates are GORGEOUS!!!!
    Thanks, friend, for linking up to Thrifty Thursday on Tales from Bloggeritaville! Great thrifty treasure!

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  6. So fun to rediscover a treasure!

    I wish you a lot of thrifting in 2010!

  7. Isn't it fun to find stuff in our own cabinets that we forgot we had. Thanks for the tip for dating Homer Laughlin pieces. I bought a platter at a thrift store a while back that I'm going to go check out.

  8. Something like this happened to me recently and I was taken aback! LOL

    happy vtt!

  9. Great place to find a cool vintage plate. The price was right anyway. It is very pretty and old. I like it's wrinkles.

  10. I love it...I have done the same thing. I am sure these match the dishes my husband found at the dump! I love the pattern, and so glad you remembered how to date them!! That is fun to me, knowing about how old something is! Happy VTT!

  11. I can relate -- I've been finding a lot of forgotten items in my house too! I am sorting through my collections and destashing some of it, because it's very easy to become buried under too much stuff.

  12. Beautiful dish!

    Great find!...hope you find some more treasures hidden amongst your everyday things to share :)

  13. That is so pretty very feminine. I have things like that I know I forgotten half the items in my china barrels. I just don't have room to display or to unpack it right now.


  14. Blessing! I love the "old valuable" stuff. Your message had a deeper meaning to me. Love, and Thanks!

  15. Hi Charlene,
    Thought I'd stop by to say hi and see what you've been up to. I see you are discovering dishes in your cupboard! Bet it made your day...
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  16. Hello. I am a new member of the Bloggerette Sorority! I am making my rounds to meet each "lady" of our sisterhood. Please visit me @
    Beautiful find!


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