Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thrift Shop Find--Give Us This Day...

  • She considereth a field (or other "thingie") and buyeth it
    • It's been almost too hot here in Georgia to get out-and-about lately, but my husband and I decided to brave the mercury and humidity Saturday and hit a couple of local thrift stores. I'm not that good at "thrifting" yet, something has to almost jump up and grab me for me to get it-- that and the fact that I'm trying desperately to "de-clutter" my life, so I want to be careful and not just fill it with everyone else's cast-off junk. Excuse me. Junque.

      But I have to admit, I was tingling with anticipation at the treasure hunt on which I was embarking. What beautiful antique, what rare jewel, what useful "thingie" might I uncover?

      Goodwill was our first stop. I looked, I really did. At all of the cast off dishes and knick-knacks and appliances and, yes, true junk. And found nothing of real interest.

      Next stop, Salvation Army. And again, I looked, I browsed, I picked up and put down. The only thing I found was a wonderful art-deco chest of drawers, which if I were at home I would have surely bought, but unfortunately just do not have the space at our apartment here in Georgia to store until we could take it home and refurbish it.

      I was so disappointed. Disgruntled, almost. And then I remembered the Valley Rescue Mission thrift store--one I had seen in passing but had never been inside. So away we went.

      My hubby found his treasure--a clockradio/cassette player that still works. Except for one little thing (which he figured out after-the-fact) that the digital readout shows "90" when it should be "50". As in, 1:90, 1:91, 1:92, etc, when it should read as 1:50, 1:51, 1:52, etc. So if you come to our apartment and see a clock that reads 8:95, don't panic, it's only 5 minutes till 9:00.

      I thought I was going to leave empty handed, when I saw it. IT. My treasure.

      Doesn't look like much, you say? It's really not--just a cheap little bread plate. But remember the bread box I found a while back, that sort of matched a really nice bread plate that I already had?

      The "new" one is smaller, lighter, sort of beat up around the edges. It has a slightly different shape in the base, and just a generally cheaper feel. It doesn't have the black stuff in the creases (I know that's not what that's called, but I can't remember what to call it, I'm getting old!) but the pattern is the same.

      I can't photograph them side by side right now because the other one is at home in Lousiana. So this is the next best thing till I get them together.

      There's sort of theme developing there, don't you think?

      I have really got to learn to make homemade artisan bread...

      For more thrifty finds, see the links at:

      Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville

      Today's Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality

      Until next time...


      1. How funny about the clock radio! I'm glad you didn't go home empty handed. I've seen bread plates like that at antique stores. Very nice find!

      2. My "Thrifting Buddy" and I went to the Valley Thrift shop about a month ago! She collects those bread plates! You would enjoy a road trip to Opelika, AL (about 40 minutes from Columbus) Come visit Angel's Antiques and Harvest Thrift!

      3. Perfect companions! Thanks for being a part of Thrifty Thursday, my friend!
        Well done!
        Tales from Bloggeritaville

      4. Great little bread dish. It does go well with your bread box. We are in GA too.

      5. I thought I was having deja vous LOL It's nice to have a bit of something homey when you are away from home.

        I'm with you on the decluttering - the treasure has to be pretty fabulous to get into my home.

      6. Funny about the clock. I use to have a bread plate like that many years ago - don't remember what I did with it.

      7. Sounds like you're having fun over there, trying to tell what time it is! And it's official: you now have a collection of bread plates! Once you have two of something, it's considered a collection, right? Great finds!

      8. Don't you just love how things develop on their own! That bread plate goes great with your bread box and the other bread plate! It's developing into a lovely collection!

        Thanks for sharing!


      9. Love it ! Looks great with your bread box ! Good hubby, good hubby, LOL !
        Hugs ~ Kammy

      10. I knew when I saw Valley Rescue Mission that you had to be close by. I also live in Columbus, GA. You need to go try out Angel's Antiques and Flea Market in Opelika.

      11. I don't know what part of SW LA is home, but if its near Thibodaux, the thrift stores there and in Raceland ALWAYS have tons of those plates for really cheap to add to you collection. My mom has bunches upon bunches at this point!

      12. This is the second comment I've gotten about Harvest Thrift and Angel's Antiques in Opelika--I think I need to make a small road trip.

        And later this summer when I head home, I'll have to take a side trip at some point to Raceland/Thibodeaux!


      Your $.02 Worth:


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