It's been almost too hot here in Georgia to get out-and-about lately, but my husband and I decided to brave the mercury and humidity Saturday and hit a couple of local thrift stores. I'm not that good at "thrifting" yet, something has to almost jump up and grab me for me to get it-- that and the fact that I'm trying desperately to "de-clutter" my life, so I want to be careful and not just fill it with everyone else's cast-off junk. Excuse me. Junque.
But I have to admit, I was tingling with anticipation at the treasure hunt on which I was embarking. What beautiful antique, what rare jewel, what useful "thingie" might I uncover?
Goodwill was our first stop. I looked, I really did. At all of the cast off dishes and knick-knacks and appliances and, yes, true junk. And found nothing of real interest.
Next stop, Salvation Army. And again, I looked, I browsed, I picked up and put down. The only thing I found was a wonderful art-deco chest of drawers, which if I were at home I would have surely bought, but unfortunately just do not have the space at our apartment here in Georgia to store until we could take it home and refurbish it.
I was so disappointed. Disgruntled, almost. And then I remembered the Valley Rescue Mission thrift store--one I had seen in passing but had never been inside. So away we went.
My hubby found his treasure--a clockradio/cassette player that still works. Except for one little thing (which he figured out after-the-fact) that the digital readout shows "90" when it should be "50". As in, 1:90, 1:91, 1:92, etc, when it should read as 1:50, 1:51, 1:52, etc. So if you come to our apartment and see a clock that reads 8:95, don't panic, it's only 5 minutes till 9:00.
I thought I was going to leave empty handed, when I saw it. IT. My treasure.
Doesn't look like much, you say? It's really not--just a cheap little bread plate. But remember the bread box I found a while back, that sort of matched a really nice bread plate that I already had?
The "new" one is smaller, lighter, sort of beat up around the edges. It has a slightly different shape in the base, and just a generally cheaper feel. It doesn't have the black stuff in the creases (I know that's not what that's called, but I can't remember what to call it, I'm getting old!) but the pattern is the same.
I can't photograph them side by side right now because the other one is at home in Lousiana. So this is the next best thing till I get them together.
There's sort of theme developing there, don't you think?
I have really got to learn to make homemade artisan bread...
For more thrifty finds, see the links at:
Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville
Today's Thrifty Treasures at Southern Hospitality
Until next time...