Tuesday, May 5, 2009

This Little Light of Mine

  • She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.
  • She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night

A few years ago, my mother made me a cute little Christmas potpourri thingy--filled with Christmas potpourri and a short string of lights, with a cute little perky Christmas ribbon tied around the neck of the container. You could plug in the lights, and the small amount of heat would disperse the smell of the potpourri into the room. I used mine in my kitchen, and over the years it had gotten a little bedraggled. The ribbon was no longer perky, the potpourri really didn't smell anymore, and the jar stayed mostly dust encrusted and unused.

I shared on my Philppians 3:14 post about how I had been clearing out old crafts materials from my junk-room closet--I came across a couple of half-used bags of potpourri, and decided to re-do my little jar. I removed the Christmas ribbon and potpourri, washed and dried the jar, refolded the lights and filled it with fresh potpourri, plugged it in and Voila! Instant air freshener and pretty thingy for my kitchen!

I'm not much of an air-freshener kind of gal except in extreme cases, and my fragrances of choice run to scents with "fresh" in the name--Fresh Linen, Rainshower Fresh, Fresh Mountain Air--but what I like about this is that it's subtle. I plug it in for just little while after I've cleaned up the kitchen at night--I love walking back in to the kitchen later with the counters clean, the little lights glowing and just a light potpourri scent lingering the air.

It's not much, but it makes me smile when I see it, and it's making me think I could get a little more "crafty" again, even in my old middle age!

What crafty things have you re-purposed lately?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I haven't done anything "crafty" lately. I just popped over because I thought your boomer comment was cute, lol! I'm a boomer too.


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