Sunday, May 31, 2009

Philippians 3:14 Friday, May 29

If confession is good for the soul, then I hope a world of good comes from my confession---I've had a most un-productive week this week. I had 10 things on my list for last week, and I did two of them--one of which was to get myself a pedicure! Ever read about the "Slough of Despair" in Pilgrim's Progress? Well, I think I fell into the "Pond of Procrastination" this week. Even this post is two days late!

Part of my procrastination, I've come to realize, is dreading the whole process of some tasks so much that I end up making them much larger in my imagination thant they are in reality. On the other hand, some jobs I put off because they are actually too big for me to tackle all at one time--those I need to break down into smaller, more achievable steps. And last but not least, I procrastinate because I think too long and hard about just the "right" way to do some things--should I file alphabetically or by category? Move everything first, then go back and label and organize, or move one file at a time, labeling and purging as I go? The truth is, there is no one right way to do many things, there's only what works or doesn't work for me as an individual, or for us as a family.

And so I go back to the drawing board for this week:
  1. Work my morning routine
  2. Work my daily/weekly routine
  3. Move the files from the small filing cabinet to the big one
  4. Purge 25 books
  5. Spend 15 minutes daily cleaning and straightening in my bedroom
  6. Spend 15 minutes daily cleaning and straightening in the front bedroom
  7. Read one book just for fun

Need help setting goals and meeting goals? Join Philippians 3:14 Fridays at Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman for encouragement and accountability!

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you. I tend to make things so much harder than they have to be because I need to find the "perfect" way to do them or because it seems like too big a job.


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