Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Outdoor Wednesday--A Visitor to the Garden

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • ...with her hands she planteth...

Well, I actually have been planting this past week--I started a raised bed garden and we planted a couple of blueberry bushes and another couple of blackberry vines.

So far, all I have to show for it is dirt and baby plants, so I thought I'd share another of the plants from my mother's patio. This is a New Zealand spinach plant--although it's edible, just like regular leaf spinach, it actually makes a vine. It kept trying to take over it's neighbors, so she wrapped it around it's one pot and it twines all around on itself. We ate some last week as part of a salad, it tastes very similar to leaf spinach.

And did you notice the "visitor"--the green lizard right in the middle? We love to watch these little guys chase each other up and down the patio railings, or sun themselves and push out their pretty pink "purses" under their throats.

Hopefully by next week I'll have a few pictures of my own yard and garden, as I try little by little to rescue it from years of us not being at home long enough to really do anything with it.

This post is linked to:

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Say "Cheese" at It's a Blog Party

Until next time...


  1. Great picture. Tanks for saying it was a lizard. I would have been looking for hours. lol

  2. Oh, what a cute little lizard...we only have brown ones here, and I love watching them do the push ups in the sun. I have never heard of that spinach, but a "pretty" edible plant is always a plus!

  3. I didn't see the lizard...he was really hiding out in the open. Enjoyed visiting with you.


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