Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thankful Thursday

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness

I have so much to be thankful for, even when I don't always take the time to think about and appreciate the blessings that I have. But this week, I'm especially thankful for:

  • Losing three more pounds (finally!) for a total loss of 24 pounds. I lost the first 20 or so pretty quickly, so I think my body needed some time to adjust as I sort of yo-yo'd back and forth, up and down. I think I've finally headed back downward again this week. Even though I knew if I just kept at it and didn't quit, it would pay off eventually, it sure is encouraging to finally see the pay-off on the scale again.
  • Leaving for Georgia in 4 days, where I'll get to actually live with my husband! Yay! We've spent a lot of time apart through the years due to job issues, so this is a big Yay!
  • Having high-speed internet at my fingertips, without having to go some place special to have it--a case of "you never realize what you're have till it's gone."
  • Knowing that my house at home will be well-looked after by my parents. They pick up my mail and keep a watchful eye so I don't have to worry while I'm gone.
  • Being in an area with more competition and shopping venues available, so that I can reduce my grocery spending using my coupons and frugal shopping strategies. (Not impossible in my small hometown, but not easy, either.)
  • Having our son with us for one more summer. He'll be graduating from college soon, so we're glad to have time with him while we can.
  • Splenda--I know it sounds shallow, but since I'm off sugar for now, I'm so glad that there are more and more options available these days that taste good.

There are so many more things I could list--so many more important or "meaningful" things--but I'm also thankful that the Lord who blesses us is many big and important and meaningful things, also blesses us with the little ones, as well!

This post is linked to:

Thankful Thursday at Grace Alone

Just for the Joy of It at Good, True, and Beautiful

Until next time...


  1. Wow! You have a lot to be thankful for this week. Good job on the weight loss! Hard works DOES pay off. Enjoy your time with your husband. What a blessing to be together!

    Stopping by from Just for the Joy of It.

  2. Great list! Congratulations on the weight loss. Glad we could share on this Thankful Thursday.


  3. Congrats on your weight loss, be safe on your trip to Georgia.

  4. I join Jamie in saying... WOW!!!!!!
    Look at all the blessings you've had this week. Praise God!

  5. Hi!
    Congrats on the weight loss. Hope your trip is awesome! Have a great day!

    A View of My Life

  6. Glad you'll be living with your husband again, soon!


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