Sunday, May 9, 2010

Her Children Rise Up and Call Her Blessed

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? Her price is far above rubies
  • Her children arise up and call her blessed...

Raising kids is not easy, nor is it for the faint-of-heart. We put our parents through so much, and then wonder why our kids do the same for us!

I can remember my morning routine many years ago...getting up in the morning, getting myself showered, dressed, made-up and ready to head out the door. All while getting our son up and dressed and ready to head out the door. Many days I put on make-up in the bathroom while he sat on the vanity with his feet in the sink. "Do me, too, mama." So I'd pretend to dab a little poswer on his nose or cheeks. Then packing my lunch, and packing his bag for day-care. Carrying everything out to the car. Carrying him down the steps, opening the car door, lifting him up and putting him in the carseat. Driving the daycare, getting out and going around to get him out of the car-seat, making sure we had his bag and toy of the day, carrying him inside and signing him in, greeting the day-care workers, letting them know about what time I expected to get off of work that day or if it was my late day, reminding them that my mother or husband would be picking him up that day. Driving to work, clocking in, and getting ready to start my day, all before 8:00 a.m.

I can remember thinking that he ever got big enough to just carry his own bag, go down the steps and out the car, open the car door, and get in and buckle himself in all by himself, things would be so much easier.

Ha. Boy did I have a lot to learn.

He's in college now, and not long ago he was discussing the different views of a couple of professors, from two different colleges he's attended. He was thinking about that exercise that most of us have done at sometime in our lives--"If you could have a dinner party with any 6 0r 8 people in the world, living or dead, who would it be?" He named two professors from one college, two from another; then an extremely intelligent and well-versed Messianic Rabbi that we're acquainted with; his pastor at the time; Jesus; and me.

I guess I did something right.

Until next time...

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