Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today's Agenda

  • Who can find a virtuous woman...
  • She looketh well (???) to the ways of her household

I knew I hadn't been posting much lately, but I didn't realize until just now that I've only made two posts this whole month--and it's the 25th already! Yikes!

So where have I been and what have I been doing?

Some of the time I've been wandering aimlessly through my days, doing just enough to get by, but not enough to feel any real sense of accomplishment. Do you ever have days like that? I remember seeing a greeting card one time that said "Mother said there'd be days like this...but she failed to tell me they could go on for weeks at a time!" That's exactly how I feel!!

Other days (and weeks!) I start off with a sense of purpose or a feeling of productivity, and I end up chasing distractions, kind of like a little girl chasing butterflies--fun to do for a while, but eventually you wonder why you haven't gotten farther along the path to your destination! I even told someone last week that I felt like a dog that had been chasing it's tail, or a chicken running around with it's head cut off--excuse the Southern down-home expressions--not a pretty visual, but true, nevertheless.

And so here I am. Again. Chasing butterflies and dog tails like a headless chicken. How's that for a turn of phrase?

I have lots of excuses, and I could list them, but don't we all have our own list already?

And so, I am making a new list. Not of excuses, just a list. Of what I hope to accomplish.

Today I will:

  1. Work on a regular morning routine
  2. Plan dinner
  3. Wash and dry at least one load of clothes
  4. Spend some time reading my Bible and praying for someone besides myself
  5. Spend some time at the library working on blog posts
  6. Stick to my diet
  7. Smile at 10 people who randomly cross my path

What's on your agenda today?

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Hey I saw this while surfing for deals...and thought it might be something that you might like to get involved in!

    Keep up the great work, I love your posts!!



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