Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's Thrifting "Deja ju" All Over Again

  • She is like merchant's ships, she bringeth her food (and other things!) from afar
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household

I'm so excited about my second "deja vu" thrift find! Remember the cute little J&G Meakins red (or pink, according to the source) vine bowl I found for my first thrift store purchase? After my last "thrifting" post about looking over local thrift shops, I had two different comments telling me I needed to take a little road trip to Opelika, Alabama and visit Harvest Thrift and Angel's Antique Mall and Flea Market. So last Saturday hubby and I decided to take a drive and look things over.

And guess what I found at Angel's Antique Mall and Flea Market? (you can click on the pictures to enlarge them for details)

Aren't they beautiful??

And I almost missed them.

These and a few others were tucked in on the bottom shelf of one of dozens and dozens of booths. I went down this row front to back once, and was intending to come back up the next one, but I confess--I was trying to avoid a family with some very over tired children who badly needed naps that seemed to be dogging my steps--so I zigged when they zagged and came back up the way I had come, trying to follow a different flight path through the store. But if I hadn't done that, I would have never spotted these!

I was so excited I screeched squealed like a little girl! I grabbed the only cup and saucer they had, and stood in indecision over the rest. There were a few dinner plates that were in really bad shape--stained and badly discolored, and a stack of the fruit bowls and bread plates. I finally choose the best three of the fruit bowls, and four of the bread plates. Along with the bowl I already have, that will make four of each of these.

The bowls and bread/dessert plates were $2.50 each, the cup and saucer $3.50.

The fruit bowls and the saucer have the same mark as the bowl I already have.

The bread/dessert plates have a larger mark.

We had a lot of fun, but didn't see even half of what they had at Angel's. There were a number of things I'd like to go back and look at again, plus there are rows and rows of booths that I didn't even get to look at. I want to go back to Harvest Thrift as well--I did find one thing there that I'm saving for another post--and we never even made it to the Salvation Army thrift store at the end. By that time we were hot and tired and hungry, so it will have to wait for another day.

I'm linking this to:

Thrifty Thursday
at Tales from Bloggeritaville

Today's Thrifty Treasures
at Southern Hospitality

Check out some of the links to see more thrift store goodies!

Until next time...


  1. What a beautiful collection of dishes you've got going there! Love the color. It sounds like you had fun thrifting and antiquing!

  2. So happy for you that you found these; they are lovely. I wish I had better places to go thrifting at.

  3. Wow these are fantastic, love the
    pattern. Great find! :)

  4. These are beautiful. I love the colors and the pattern. Great finds.

    Have a great VTT!

  5. ahhhh.. you are so lucky to find more of these meakin sets! I really like the colour.. red and white.. they could never go wrong.. Happy VTT

  6. what a lucky find..i love it when that happens, it was meant to be, just as well you zagged lol!..btw it's a beautiful setting :)

  7. What a great find. That's a pretty pattern.

  8. What a wonderful deal. Love the pattern and the scalloped edges. How pretty.

  9. I love your dishes. I have a thing for all kinds of dishes and glassware. I gave up buying them as it takes more space than I have.

  10. What a beautiful collection! Great pattern!

  11. Those are beautiful, what a great find!

  12. See, I told you that you would like Angel's!!! I never find much at the Salvation Army, but, when I do it is super great. Found a jadeite butter dish one time!! And my buddy got the most beautiful rug there for $50 and it was appraised at about $1000 after cleaning! Now in Auburn there is another Mission Thrift (like the Valley) and Salvation Army waiting for you!!

  13. You are leading me farther and farther astray!

  14. What a lovely find. I love the color and's just beautiful.
    Happy VTT and have a wonderful day.

  15. Those are lovely. I really really like the color.

  16. What a great find! Since you didn't get through all the booths, you will just have to go back again...and again...=)

  17. WOW! WHat a steal! I have never been to that place. I am going to have to go there myself. It's not to far away! Thanks for the heads up. I LOVE those plates. It will make a lovely tablescape.Thanks for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week, my friend!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  18. You got a real bargain! How beautiful that set is. Isn't it thrilling to find such treasures and for such a great price too?
    Happy VTT and thanks for sharing that!

  19. That's a great pattern and color - you were meant to find them!

  20. Awesome Find!

    Don't you just have to hold your tongue when you run in to "those" parents who drag the tired kids to a place they really don't want to visit?

    Happy VTT!!

  21. Oh! Those are beautiful dishes! So glad you found them.

  22. The Meakin pieces are great.
    I am guessing that the "loud" family zigged when they heard your screech!!!
    Isn't Angels fun?

  23. Really neat. I collect one of the brown Meakin patterns. Kelly

  24. Love those dishes, and the color! So pretty and what an awesome find!!

  25. I'm so glad that you went to Angel's. BTW - I just went into a "junktique" shop that I have passed hundreds of times on 2nd Av, next to the Marathon gas station. There is such a stash in there. Some of it is pricey, but if you were looking for something specific, I bet he would have it. Great Meakin set!

    Another Columbusite,

  26. Those are BEAUTIFUL! What a great find!!


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