Thursday, August 11, 2011

I Got My Big Fat Check, How About You?

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies

  • She looketh well to the ways of her household

Anyone remember the post I did a few months back about shopping online through Ebates?

Well, guess what? I got my big fat check for this quarter! $19.38! Yippee! It's not a lot, but sure does come in handy to get a rebate from something you'd be buying anyway.

Click on the link on the top line to read all about how you can sign up through one my referral links, and save money for both of us!

Until next time...


  1. No rebates for me. Too bad they don't have any for tag sales. That's about the only shopping I've been doing lately. But I need a new wardrobe so maybe next month!

  2. Thats when I do most of my shopping online--for clothes for myself as well as my son. We are both hard-to-find sizes, so it's easier to shop online when we need something. I can't always find what I need through ebates, but I usually try there first, so I end up with a rebate check once or twice a year from them.


Your $.02 Worth:


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