Sunday, July 10, 2011

Garden Update, July 10th

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies

  • ...with the fruit of her hands, she planteth a vineyard
I have not been very virtuous lately, even in the garden. Especially in the garden. Partly because of this...

I took this about 10:00 one morning, maybe even earlier. Already 90. Degrees. Fahrenheit.

Some days my air conditioner can't keep it cool even inside the house. On those days I'm miserable inside and out. And it shows, too.

Fortunately, most of my container plants are very forgiving. They droop, and shrivel, and close up leaves to preserve moisture, but all it takes a good drink from the water hose and they perk right back up.

I wish I were that resilient, don't you?

Some things, like this morning glory, have foliage but no blooms, but it hangs in there. (That's a periwinkle at the base, giving it at least a touch of color.)

Other things, like these lilies, come back up year after year. The top fell out of this tree six years ago with Hurricane Rita blew threw, but it continues to leaf and put out new branches, and the lilies--my husband even burns them over every couple of years, and they come right back and eventually give us the most brilliant, if short-lived, blooms.

And of course the far the star of this spring/summer garden are the cherry tomatoes.

The heat has made every one's tomatoes smaller than usual, and these are no exception, but they are by far the best tasting tomatoes I've ever had--I'll definitely plant these Sweet Cherry 100's again.

Can you see how many still-green ones I have? I've had a few that split, but most are perfect and sweet.

Watermelon vines are taking over the end of their bed...

and I actually have a couple of melons--one the size of a softball...

...and one more suitable for golf!

And while my water bill has more than doubled...

at least I can turn it on and let it go!

Meanwhile, how is your garden growing?

Until next time...

This post is linked to:

Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer


  1. Your tomatoes look great! Oh how I wish for property to have a real garden. I tried to grow from pots and nothing came from my efforts so far.

  2. If misery loves company Charlene, than maybe it will help to know that's it's hot here in Michigan too! I'm envious of all your tomatoes, ours are still in the green stage here. Your garden looks nice!

  3. This heat has been horrible in some ways but for playing, we live on a lake, it's been wonderful. Blessings, Debbie

  4. It's been "melting weather" here too. I only planted sweet 100's once and they've been reseeding every year. I find them everywhere. Hopefully, the same will happen for you.


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