Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Garden Update--June 14

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies

  • ...with the fruit of her hands, she planteth a vineyard

Not too much to report on the garden front this week. The weather moderated--for a couple of day, the highs were only in the mid-90's (!) but as of yesterday, we were back to triple digits again.

I thinned all of the dead cucumber vines out, and we found two more cucumbers, but they are a weird yellowish color and don't seem to be turning the right shade of green. The one we picked last week was bitter, but that seems to be a problem with of the folk's this year--I really think it's the hot dry weather, nothing seems to be growing right. My husband decided that maybe they were getting too much sun during the heat of the day, so he dug out this old umbrella from the shed and rigged up a shade from the noon sun. Snappy, huh?

Cherry tomatoes still turning slowly--we've 4 or 5 so far, and none of the yellow ones have turned at all.

And while farmers all around are harvesting melons, I finally have one lone baby watermelon on the vines!

Containers are about the same, tired looking in the middle of the day from the heat, but they are (so far) still perking up once evening falls.

How is your garden growing this year?

This post is linked to:

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Tuesday Garden Party at An Oregon Cottage

Frugal Gardening 101 At Cents to Get Debt Free, Amy's Finer Things, and Smockity Frocks

Until next time...


  1. triple digits way to early for that but we have been having them here also hope it cools down soon for ya. Happy day to you and yours
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  2. Hang in there. You'll see the fruits of your efforts soon enough. Meanwhile, it looks good.


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