Monday, March 1, 2010

Making My Home Sing

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household...

A while back I stumbled onto a bloggy meme (that's "theme" in the non-blog world. Don't ask me.) called "Making Your Home Sing Monday." I've only linked to it once, I think, but I bookmarked the site and I've been mulling that thought over in my head ever since.

This week I want to work on making my home sing. Isn't that a concept that's just bursting with promise and imagery? It can be applied on so many levels, from practical to poetic, physical to spiritual.

How will I attempt such a marvelous feat? For me, it starts with getting my house in order physically. When my house is in order, I feel calmer, more at peace as I go about my business. So I'm going to be doing some spring cleaning. Hey, it's the south, spring comes early here, and I want to be ready.

This morning I was up in the darktime to see my son off for another week away at college. Isn't there a verse for that? Oh, yes, "She rises while it is yet night." Ugh. I've already shared my struggle with this one. I'm a night owl at heart, I think, but I know from experience that I accomplish so much more when I get up even just a little earlier. And stay off the computer. And the phone. And leave the television off. So that's on my list for personal "singing". La-la-la-la-la-la-la.

As far as the house is concerned, my goals this week are to work on my kitchen/dining area, and my bedroom. And the bathroom. And the living room. Well, maybe just a general good cleaning and straightening is in order. Last week I cleaned off the dinner table and had it set with a tablecloth and centerpiece when my son got home from school for the week, and you should have seen his face. Our families notice these things, even when we think they don't care about them.

And so for this morning, I've started washing sheets and blankets and one load of what I call "wearing clothes". I've put the tablecloth away, but I dug out some cloth napkins. I've taken my stove top apart and cleaned underneath and have the drip pans soaking. I'm planning to purge old magazines and catalogs this afternoon, and spend some time getting my coupon binder updated. Later this week I'm going to tackle dusting and vacuuming in those places that never see the light of day. Double ugh. In the meantime, I think I can hear these old boards creaking just a little. La-la-la-la-la-la-la.

Spiritually, I'm doing some fasting these week, seeking the Lord's will in some areas of my life. Spending some extra time in the Word. Praying for some folks that I haven't prayed for in a while. And in my spirit, I can already hear it

It's the sound of my home. Singing.

What are you doing the make your home sing this week?

This post is linked to:

Making Your Home Sing Monday at Moms The Word

Until next time...


  1. Sounds like your home is singing :)
    Thank you for sharing the happenings in your home.

  2. Awesome post! You are right, family does notice those things, or sometimes the absence of them when we quit doing something for awhile.

    I have some picking up to do today as I was gone for several hours. I guess I'd better get to it before it gets to late! Thanks for linking up today!

    ~ Nan

  3. You're absolutely right. Our families do notice the little things. Very happy you linked up with momstheword today.

  4. Charlene, this is a fabulous post. And not a picture needed. I can hear your floors singing away while you whisk away the dustbunnies and cobwebs. You've been very inspirational to me! Now if I could just stop reading everyone's great blogs . . . :) maybe I could get a few more things done! OK, I'm done - yours is the last - I'm off to see if my house will sing or croak!
    :) HAGD! Karen

  5. What a wonderful meme, and a great idea!

  6. I like that meme too. I participated this week as well. And yes, it does sound like your home is singing! ;)


    (BTW, I had not been to my google homepage where I had followed your feed, in months. So it was nice to "find" you again.)


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