Monday, November 30, 2009

Homemaker's Haven

  • She looketh well to the ways of her household...

It's time for this week's Homemaker's Haven, sponsored by Stephanie at a High and Noble Calling.

Last week was an easy week in some respects; we were out of town for several days, so my week consisted mostly of getting ready to leave and recouping after we got back.

Today I got a wonderful "prize" in the mail--remember a few weeks ago when I sang the praises of a wonderful organizer I used to have that was out of print? Stephanie had an old one that was barely used and offered to send it to me--and it came today! I can't wait to start using it--I'm sure I'll be the most organized gal on the block by the end of the week!

My goals for this week are:
  1. Clean out the fridge--priority since it didn't get done last week
  2. Catch up on laundry from the trip
  3. Clip this week's coupons
  4. Clean out my coupon binder--I know there are some expired/soon-to-expire ones lurking in there
  5. Start my Christmas baking
  6. Plan my menus
  7. Work on two reviews and a giveaway for my food blog
  8. Pack away my fall decorations
  9. Get started in my new planner
  10. Bible reading--Isaiah, chapters 40-68

My project for this week:

Start buying/making Christmas/Hanukkah decorations for the apartment--all on a budget of $20! I did pretty well for fall, but I did have some things from home to help. This will be a bit of a challenge, as all of my Christmas and Hanukkah stuff is in Louisiana. We'll be going home on the 18th, and we'll do most of our decorating there, but I don't want to postpone all of the holiday cheer until then. My goal is to see what I can get for cheap or free to make some cheery holiday decorations for my Doors of Welcome post, coming on the 15th, as well as a centerpiece for the table and a few other areas.

What are you doing this week to make your home a haven?

Until next time...


  1. I just bought some of those cheap electric candles for my windows and clipped some greens from the yard. I like the simplicity of it! It's a different style from the bright Christmas trees of the past, but I feel more connect to the Winter season this way.


  2. Well . . . I finished putting up the interior Christmas decorations. And hopefully now I'll find some extra time to wander into my studio and teach myself how to solder, which I want to do!
    Just a reminder I have you signed up for Dec Doors of Welcome. Yes?
    HAGD! Karen

  3. I'm looking forward to the Doors of Welcome December edition!


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