Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Three or More--Cabinets I've Re-Organized

  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
Our house at home in Louisiana is an older house, built in 1962. I always say that it's just old enough to be lacking many of the "modern conveniences", but not old enough to be really interesting. No high ceilings and architectural details for us, just a cute little three bedroom one bath house in the country.
I have a fairly large eat-in kitchen, but because of the lay-out, not much countertop or cabinet space. Little by little over the years we've worked on updating what we can, and learning to live with what we can't.
Since we've been home the last few weeks, my dear sweet worker bee husband has been trying to do months worth of home maintenance and repairs, but somehow in the middle of his doings, he found time to convert the broom closet into more usable shelf space for me--and not only that, he painted it and put down the shelf paper, too. (I am from the eye-ball it, cut it, stick it the best you can and fix it afterward with a box cutter school of shelf-papering--he is from the get out the tape measure, builder's square and exacto knife and cut it perfectly school of shelf-papering. I just buy the stuff and get out of his way).
Then he painted and papered the dark hole of a cabinet under the sink, at my request.
And since I had to move stuff around away, I've taken this opportunity to clean and organize several other of my cabinets, too.
Our beautifully converted broom closet--the broom and mop can live in the utility room, this gives me more kitchen storage right where I need it--in the kitchen! Right now the larger bottom area holds my canner, cookie sheets and odd cake pans.
Upper cabinet above the broom closet--my pretty plates and serving dishes--close enough the the food action to be used more often, but easier to get to and put away.
And the keys are various door and vehicle spares, hanging on cuphooks. One central location for keys has been a time-saver--no more pawing through drawers and looking 27 different places for a set of keys that may have not been used in weeks.
More food storage--cleaned out and reorganized--now I have room to stockpile a few more of those sales items!

And last but not least--the "hole" under the sink is dark and dank no more! Isn't it amazing what a coat of white paint and new shelf paper can do?

My new storage is easy to use, easy to keep organized, and easy to clean. That works for me!
This post is linked to:
Three or More Tuesdays at the Gypsy's Corner
Works for Me Wednesday at We Are THAT Family
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land
Until next time...


  1. your cabinets look great.....everytime i feellike doing mine, i find something easier to work on...lol

  2. Your cabinets are fantastic! Good job - thanks for sharing them!

  3. White paint for the cabinet under the sink -- what a brilliant idea! I'm going to go scrounge around for some extra white paint now.

  4. Thanks for the comments, ladies--these were done one small step at a time--one shelf most days--and the painting was done with leftover paint, too.

  5. Your cabinets look great! It feels good to have things organized doesn't it! I like the under sink area too. I put some old peel and stick tiles on the bottom of mine. I figured it would help protect the cabinet in case of a back up or other water damage!

    Good Job!


  6. you've been working hard! Hope it makes a big impact in daily life for you! Nice job!

  7. I feel like every time I reorganize my cabinets, it only takes three days before my three boys and husband undo all of my hard work! Good luck, and great job!

  8. Under my sink is a complete disaster! No matter how often I clean it things still migrate there.

  9. Looks great!!! I love stock piling! I converted a game closet to my pantry right a year after we moved into our house. LOVE it, and LOVE stock piling.

  10. Thanks for joining in on Three or More Tuesday.

    I'm slow getting around, but made it.
    Sitting in for Tam next three weeks.

    Hope you'll join us for hte 'challenge'.

    barbara jena

  11. You inspire me. I do clean my kitchen cabinets regularly but it does not take long for them to be out of order again.

    I wanted to mention, after seeing your quotes from the 31 PSALM. A Jewish man (at least Orthodox) reads this psalm, every Friday night, the beginning of the Sabbath, to his wife. It has that much meaning. I think it is wonderful that you quote it here and I gather live by it.

  12. The one item, I can't find room for, in my kitchen is my collection of cook books. This is frustrating to say the least.

    Thanks again for your good wishes on my blog.

  13. Your cabinets look very attractive and organized. I must do something to make the bottom of my sink area more appealing. Paint and shelf paper is a great idea!


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