- Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
- She looketh well to the ways of her household
- She maketh herself (and her house?) coverings of tapestry...
As you can tell from the pictures I've posted over the years, I'm not much of a decorator. When we first moved into this house sixteen years ago, I didn't hang much on the walls--as a matter of fact, I went several years with blank walls. When you put a hole in paneling, it's there to stay, and I didn't want to add more holes to this 1962-era paneling than were already there, unless I knew I really wanted something hung!
On top of that, I'm a bit of a cheapskate, sometimes by choice, sometimes by necessity, so I always try to be really really sure that I like something and am willing to live with it a while before I invest my hard-earned dollars.
One mistake that I've made in the past, and have to remind myself not to do even today, is buying something the wrong scale. I tend to go too big with furniture and too small with decor. I can't really do too much with too-big furniture, but I've learned a fix for too-small decor, and one that doesn't have to be expensive, either, and that's to group small like items together.
Several years ago I found this pretty mirror at Dollar General for around $10-15. It came in this sort of pewter and bronze color, and then the same pattern in a
So it sat in a bag in the bottom of a closet seemingly forever. Periodically, I'd search through the mirrors and frames at different store locations in hopes of finding a matching piece.
And then finally--voila'! Not the same mirror, not an exact match of color or size, but one day, searching through the frames and mirrors as always, I found a little mirror with a metallic-ish frame that I thought just might work. And this time, having learned my lesson, I bought two! I don't remember exactly what these cost, but it was less than $10 for the two of them.
And they worked! Close enough in color, two are enough to help fill the blank spot, and the whole arrangement was inexpensive enough to change at a moment's whim.
Not that I do "a moment's whim" for decor changes. But I could if I wanted to.
Until next time...
This post is linked to:
Penny Pinching Party at the Thrifty Home
Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family
The HomeMaking Party at Hope in Every Season
Make Your Home Sing at Mom's the Word