Friday, March 8, 2013

Now THAT's What I Call a Mobile Home

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She openeth her mouth with wisdom, and in her tongue is the law of kindness
One day this week I was on my way out to my little small town rural church, traversing a highway that I drive so often I can almost do it on auto-pilot, when I spotted some blue flashing lights in the distance and what looked like a large obstruction in the road.

What was it? An accident? Must have involved a log truck or an 18-wheeler.  No, not an accident, maybe some kind of construction?

Nope--just a house.

In the middle of the road.

 So I pulled over onto the shoulder.   

 And then I pulled over some more.  Off the shoulder, onto the grass.

 As you can see, it's a real fixer-upper.

But you know what's cool?  Somebody sees some potential in it. 

Just like the Lord sees potential in us.  Even when we feel old.  Old and worn out and tired.

I look in the mirror sometimes and think "Who's that middle aged lady looking at me?  She looks really old.  Old and worn out and tired."

But He sees me the way I feel in my insides.  Cause in my insides I feel I lot younger.  And cuter. Not always, mind you, but a lot of times!  

Lately I think I've been living my life kind of like I drive that familiar highway--on auto-pilot.  I told ya'll about my struggles to get up, get dressed, do my everyday routines.  As I've been recovering from my recent injury, I've had a lot of time to think, and to pray, and to read, and to talk to some wise advisers.

I was literally, physically down that ill-fated day--and as I mentioned before, sat in the middle of the floor and cried like a baby over the physical pain, but also the mental and emotional and spiritual angst that I had also fallen into.  But I got back up physically, and I'm working on the other.  

I was thinking about those verses listed at the top of this post--about a virtuous woman being more valuable than rubies; and also about opening her mouth with wisdom and kindness.  Sometimes we show more kindness to others than we do to ourselves.  

I'm not trying look or act like a twenty-something, or heaven forbid, a teenage--just like the owner of this house is probably not going to make it over into a sleek, modern house--but there are still some good bones there, and it can be rehab-ed into something beautiful and functional. 

My routines are those bones I need in place to keep the structure stable--but after that--the skies the limit!

Until next time...

This post is linked to:

Spiritual Sundays


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