Thursday, May 23, 2013

Clutter Busting Challenge-Day 23

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
  • She eateth not the bread of idleness
Today is Day 23 of the Clutter Busting Challenge at Money Saving Mom.  Our task, should we choose to do so--and you know you really need to--is to get rid ourselves of the clutter in our houses, by turning loose of (at least) seven things every day during the month of May. Big or small, trash or "treasure", give away or throw away, sell or donate, it doesn't matter, just get rid of it!

Today I got rid of an indoor table-top fountain thingy that I won as a door prize at a women's meeting, four little candles/candle holders, and the remains of four solar lights I used to have along my front walkway.  The fountain and candles are in the giveaway/donate box, the solar light things are in the trash.  (They were el-cheapo to start with, and when I first put them up, instead of lighting the walkway, they just sort of glowed after dark--I thought it made my house look like space ship had landed--so I'm not sorry to these go at all!)

What did you get rid of today?

Until next time...


  1. Hi Charlene! How are you this evening? I hope you are having a nice Spring. I too have been concentrating on my Spring cleaning this year and I am working on getting rid of things that clutter. Our main problem is the garage. The house is in pretty good shape, but the garage is our catch all. I am a little overwhelmed because I can't do too much at time because of my back. So I have made it a goal each week to either give something away or throw something away. I am starting to see daylight! : ) I hope you have a lovely evening ahead! Delisa :)

    1. Hi, Delisa! I've been having a very nice Spring! My de-cluttering isn't coming along as fast as I wish it were, but I think I'll just keep "spring cleaning" through the summer! I understand that feeling of being overwhelmed, too. I have issues with my back and my knees--I try to sit and remember not to reach too far or twist too much as I look and sort.

      So nice to hear from you again!



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