Friday, April 19, 2013

A Virtuous Woman Cleans Her Vehicle

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
  • She eateth not the bread of idleness

It's Day 19 of the 30-Day House Cleaning Challenge, and today's task is to clean the entryway, sweep the garage, or clean your car. I don't have an entryway, my husband recently power washed the carport, so I was left to clean my car, which is actually a truck. 

Yes, I'm a true country girl, I drive an extended cab pick-up truck.  With a camper on it, yet! 

If you knew me in real life, you'd know that I was never a pick-up truck kind of gal--my first brand new car was a Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, which I drove for a long time, which was followed by another brand new--what else--Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, which I drove, I think, sixteen years.  I finally graduated to a small SUV, and when it was on it's last legs, one of the many times it was in the shop in those last few months, I had to borrow my daddy's truck to get back and forth to work.  And fell in love.  With a truck. So my next vehicle was an extended cab pick-up truck. A few months later, when I decided to quit my job and follow my husband on the road with his job--to Alaska, no less--I added a camper shell so we could transport our clothes and personal items with us, closed up our house, and hit the road--first to Alaska, then to Colorado, and later to Georgia. It has a lot of miles on it, to put it mildly. 

Now that we're back living at home, I still drive it.  Sometimes with these gas prices, I wish I had something a little smaller, but it's paid for and runs well, so if it's not broke I'm not fixing it. 

But back to today's challenge.  Cleaning my truck is something that's been long overdue.  I like it clean, but sometimes (a lot!) I let it go way too long between cleanings.  

The first thing was cleaning out the trash.  I took a big black garbage bag out with me, and by the time I cleaned the back floorboard, under the front seats, and then flipped up the back seat--I had almost half a bag of trash--everything from at least a dozen (if not more) empty water and soft-drink bottles, to a couple of crumpled up fast food bags, to the cover of a road atlas that I no longer have, and some tourist brochures from a trip we took when we lived in Colorado--five years ago. Granted, some of these things had worked their way under the back seat, where they weren't visible, but still.  And that was just the trash.

I also had a garment bag with some dress clothes of my son's that we'd taken to see if they could be altered, (they couldn't), a library book, and another book that I don't have the faintest recollection of ever buying, much less owning/reading, a couple of crushed half-empty Kleenex boxes, some colored chalk, CDs of various ownership, an umbrella, a sun visor, and--a feather--picked up somewhere along the way.

Once I cleaned out everything that didn't belong, I took a microfiber cloth, dampened one end, and proceeded to wipe down the dash, the steering column, etc. 

Then we went to the car wash and vacuumed--it took two rounds of quarters to get it all--and then drove it through the automatic car wash--one with the attendant who scrubs the wheels and the bug guts off the front before you drive into the thingy. 

But now--no pictures, but I have a clean truck, sitting under my clean carport, next to my almost clean house.

What did you clean today?

Until next time...
To see other posts in this series, click on Clean in 30


  1. Wow - you did a DEEP clean of your truck! Way to go! I cleaned out the stroller today and found a lot of cheerios, but other than that, nothing really exciting :).

    1. I read your post, you did a lot more than just clean the stroller, lol!

  2. Wow!! Nice job cleaning it up! I drive my jetta diesel to work every day but they is nothing like drive our diesel truck!! I get why you are a truck woman!

    1. I started to put the words to that old Bellamy Brothers song "Well a redneck girl likes to cruise in daddy's pick-up truck", but I figured I would be showing my age if I did that!

  3. You've led an interesting life Charlene. My son was driving us around in his truck last week, and I realized that owning a truck is not conducive to wearing a skirt, that's for sure! My goodness! Is there anything left for you to clean? My husband always cleans out the car on garbage day, so that's one chore I'm happy to delegate to him.

    1. You'd be surprised, Jane, at how much I have left to clean! I'm gearing up for my "monster", the one I call my spare bedroom, it would be better called my "everything" room, from office to library to catch-all!

      I don't have a problem with my truck when I'm wearing a skirt, but when I worked with my husband and rode in a bigger work truck, I had to have a little stool to help me get in--getting out wasn't as bad, I just put both feet out and slid--thankfully that one was only in jeans!

  4. I need to clean our car. I remember when we first bought it and said no eating in the car. Now about 10 years later our 8 year old has left a nice trail of crumbs in said vehicle. The last time we cleaned like that was last spring. Sigh! We need to do it though.

    1. It does make a difference when you have kids, that's for sure!


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