Monday, July 5, 2010

Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days

Have you ever read the Bible straight through, from beginning to end? (or from Alpha to Omega?)

I have a confession to make--I've never done it.

I've read the whole Bible--like most of us, parts of it many times--but I've never started off in Genesis and read straight through to Revelation.

Many Christians start the new year with the goal of reading through the Bible in a year. You can find charts outlining a year-long reading plan, and even buy special Through-the-Bible-in -a Year Bibles that divide it all up for you in daily sections. I've started off the year with good intentions, myself, sometimes, but I usually get sidetracked somewhere along the way and end back in my usual piecemeal method of Bible reading and study.

A couple of years ago, I read somewhere that most people who set a goal of reading through the Bible from front to back do better to try to read it as quickly as possible, instead of stretching it out over a year's time. (You can speed through the, shall we say, drier parts instead of getting bogged down.)

Then when I first heard that Amy at Mom's Toolbox was sponsoring a 90-day group called Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days back in January, my interest was piqued. I'd never heard of the Through the Bible in 90 Days program, but it seemed like something I would enjoy doing. Unfortunately, the timing wasn't good for me and I didn't sign up that go-around. So I was really pleased a couple of weeks ago to see that she was starting another group, and this time I get to participate, along with about 375 others! Besides doing the reading, we've each agreed to check in at Mom's Toolbox for her weekly status post--whether we're caught up, encouraged and flying high or behind and down and out. It adds an element of commitment to be doing so publicly!

So here I am, day 1. I've done my reading for the day, first thing this morning, Genesis, chapters 1 through 16. I'm using a Holman's Christian Standard Bible, and using the reading chart from the resource page at Mom's Toolbox. You can buy a special edition Bible in 90 Days, useful for the standardization of translation with minimal distractions (footnotes, etc.), and divided up into daily reading, or use the reading chart. To be honest, my first impulse was to order the Bible in 90 Days, but I haven't yet---due to guilt, I think. I have so many Bibles and translations already, these days I feel kind of guilty about buying a new one when I know that there are so many people in other countries that don't have the resources to buy even one. And the more I think about it, I think I'm going to make a donation instead. I think I can swing $1 a day, even on budget. At the end of the 90 days I'll donate some to the Bible in 90 Days ministry, and some to my denomination's Bible Alliance ministry, which provides study Bibles to indigenous pastors in their native languages. That give me even more incentive to stick it out!

If you'd like more information, visit Amy at Mom's Toolbox, or the Bible in 90 Days ministry website.

Until next time...

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