Monday, July 12, 2010

Blogging Through the Bible in 90 Days--Day 8

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household...
  • She eateth not the bread of idleness...

I have a confession to make--I'm behind on my reading. Not a lot, but some. I'm not finished with yesterday's chapters, and I haven't even started on today's.

But I have a learned a lot this week--mostly about myself.

I've learned that I do better at my reading on the days that I get up and do my reading almost first thing in the morning. Because of that, I didn't do too well on the weekend, because our schedule is more uncertain and there are too many distractions. So my plan for this week is to not only get caught up (I've been working on that already today) but to read ahead, so I won't have quite so much reading to do on the weekends.

I've also been reminded that even though I'm on an arbitrary program that tells me which chapters to read each day, the Lord speaks to my heart every single day from wherever I read, in a way that applies to me right where I am, and encourages me for where I'm going.

Looking forward to what He has in store.

Until next time...


  1. It's great that you have recognized what works best for you and are using that to stay on track. Reading ahead in bits and pieces during the week sounds like a fabulous idea.

    I'll be praying for you to get back on schedule. You can do it!

  2. I like the title! Hope you can continue to post till the 90th day! Way to go!


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