Friday, June 25, 2010

RUSH Day at the Bloggerette Sorority!

It's here!

This group is the brain child of Karen of Some Days are Diamonds. She has a listing on her sidebar of all of the bloggers who are joining together to celebrate the blogging Sisterhood. If you're a blogger and would like to join, it's not too late. Follow the link from the badge on my left sidebar and see how to join--it's easy!

But for Rush Day, we Sisters had an assignment, to take this "Sisters" picture...

...and make something pretty with it, then put a picture on our blog of ourselves with our creation.

Now it just so happens that I'm in Georgia with my husband for the summer, but all of my crafting "pretties" are at home in Louisiana. So I have no ribbons, or flowers, or beads, or buttons or anything fun to play with. I racked my brain to think of something I could do that didn't involve buying out the craft section of JoAnn's, and decided to play around with my Home Publisher program on my computer, and...

...this is what I came up with for a final presentation.

And then came the hardest part---trying to take a picture of myself with my "Sisterhood" picture... I stood in front of a mirror holding my creation and snapped...

..and snapped...

and made some adjustments, and snapped...

...and snapped...

...and snapped!

Then I got the bright idea to tape the picture to the mirror and take a picture of me taking a picture of the picture...


...all these settings on this camera must mean something...

..maybe this one...

...or maybe not!
At any rate, that's my Rush Day self-portrait--sort of!

And now more about me--I was born and raised in Louisiana, and lived there most of my adult life. Several years ago my husband (of 26 years now!) took a job that requires him to travel from project to project. At times I've been "home alone" holding down the home front, but I've been blessed to be able to join him at several of his sites, so in the last four years I've lived in Alaska, Colorado, and Georgia, with some brief (and sometimes not-so-brief) stints back at home. Georgia has been the longest project so far, and in the last two years I've traveled back and forth between here and home 11 times. I'm not super creative, but I do like to dabble in arts-and-crafts, decorating, cooking, couponing, and all kinds of other things. I have a food blog, Secrets of a Southern Kitchen--I'd love for you "sisters" to join me there, as well. 

Thanks to all of you Bloggerette Sisters who may drop by today--I hope to eventually get around to visiting each of you.

And to my regular readers--be sure to click over to Some Days Are Diamonds and visit some of the other Bloggerette Sisters--they're a creative bunch, and I can't wait to meet each of them!

Until next time...


  1. Bwahahahahaha!! I so identified with you about your struggle to get the right photo! Bravo for you for putting them all up there! And I love what you did with the picture!

    So nice to meet you, sister, and thanks for coming by my blog. :D

  2. Hello,
    I must have just missed you but I'm so glad you popped over, and you made me laugh with you photo taking , I asked my son to take mine but I wasn't happy so I made him take it again...... and again .... and again until I was happy. HIS face was full of "oh really Mum it just a photo for your blog" I explained that maybe lots of people would see it so YES IT did need to look good. And as for you making your project with no suppies you should get a prize, well done it is beautiful, so where in Georgia are you? any way I have more to see.It was lovely to meet you I hope I see you soon Hugs ~Wendy@ blissangels

  3. Hi sister. Nice to see you and your creation...I took about 10 pics is hard to take a self picture!!

  4. I can't believe you were able to come up with anything this fabulous with no supplies. I'm impressed my friend.

    Now my beautiful NEW SEEZSTA...

    Had anyone evvva told you that you look like Kirstie Alley? YOU DO!



  5. Hi, from New Jersey! I have to laugh, I took so many pics, too.
    Your picture is a great take on the photo. Can't wait for the rest of the upcoming events. Enjoy the party.

  6. Had to laugh with all your photos I think I did the same with and without the mirror talk about frustrating trying to get that one good picture that your happy with....
    Love what you did with the photo is looks fabulous....

    From an Australian sorority sister

  7. Hello! I like all the shots you took...I admit that I did the same thing. Actually, I made my husband take a million photos but I didn't like any of them so I ended up locking myself in the bathroom and taking my own photo- I din't want to hurt my husbands feelings!- but then he read my blog post and said, "I didn't take that picture". Go figure!

    I didn't have a lot of craft supplies here with me either, we just moved from PA to CA and I donated most of my craft things to my students in PA. I understand working with the bare minimum.

    I'm so glad I met you here and I look forward to our next adventure here!

  8. LOL, love your sense of humor and I just love what you did with the photo!!

    Here's to more fun times at the Sorority House!!


    Your Sassy Sorority Sista!

  9. Now see! How creative is that!
    Some of you were just not equipped at the moment to "create" something but each one of you made "lemonade!" You did a great job!
    And I'm cracking up at how many "snaps" you took! How fun is that?
    Enjoy the party! I think we're in for a good time in the months ahead!
    :) Karen

  10. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha... I can so relate to the pictures in the mirror!!! Your creation is lovely. BTW, I did visit your other blog and entered your give-a-way!

    In the sisterhood,

  11. Hi Sister Charlene! Oh, you did a great job with your creation!
    I got a kick out of you snapping with your creation!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
    Sorority sis from Texas

  12. Hi Charlene...I'm still laughing at your photography remarks!!!
    Cute post and nice to meet you too!
    Thanks for stopping by...Welcome to the Sista-hood!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  13. oh,,,tape it to the mirror..good idea! Nice to meet you. I live in ND but have visited LA often because of relatives in Miss.

  14. You're so funny!!! I hate taking pictures of myself - but you've done a wonderful job!! I'm so glad to meet another Sister!! I can't wait to see what's next with our sorority ~ I look forward to getting to know you.

  15. Hi Sorority Sister!
    And thank you so much for visiting my blog! I will definitely put you in the drawing for the tin...
    I love your picture and love seeing the pics of you--adorable!!!
    So nice to meet you...
    Whimsical Musings

  16. Hi Charlene! Isn't it just the hardest to take a photo of ourselves in that wacky bathroom mirror? I have to take dozens just to get one sorta decent one. I love what you came up with on the computer. It looks great!!
    Great to visit with you again,

  17. Well sister, aren't you just SNAPPY? Loved all the pictures and really liked your Rush project. Lovely!

  18. Thanks for stopping by!! I'll look for you next time you are out west. Nancy

  19. I love what you did to the picture we had to do something with. Isn't this exciting. I love how you took your picture as well. I became a follower of your blog and hope you come jin me for lots of prizes I have coming up on my blog. It's so nice to meet you. Kath'

  20. Hi Charlene,
    Cute post, loved your picture taking process!

  21. Hello Sister, You did a good job creating your picture, and taking a picture in the mirror is hard with a flash. Nice to meet you.

  22. Hello Charlene,
    What a wonderful creation! I love the soft colors you used.
    I feel your pain with trying to get a photo while holding your project:0) I still fight with all the settings on my camera and I've had it fir 4 years now.

  23. Hallo
    I have to thank you for you komment.
    It was easy to male the pillow. The picturs I took together with picasa.
    Then you have special fabric with paper. You Print your pic on it. And the rest is easy.
    Thanks for your loveing words.
    Nice to have you a my new sister.
    Lots of love from Germany

  24. ROFLMAO, your self portrait saga really made me laugh, in the nicest possible way, of course. I am so with you on that, I have tried it before and failed miserably.
    You framed the picture so beautifully with those pretty roses. Love the colours you chose. See, we don't need lots of craft supplies at all, lol. Hmmm. Let me think about that a bit more, lol.

  25. Thanks for making me smile with the tale of your self-portrait attempts! :D
    Your project is great. The flower border is so in keeping with the period of the photo.

  26. Girl, you are really being creative with that camera:) Thanks for stopping by and paying me a visit! I am still enjoying all of the creations a little at a time. Whew... there are so many:)

    I love what you did with the picture! It is beautiful!

    Hugs from theycallmeganky!

  27. Oh Charlene,
    I had no idea you were from Lousiana--woo hoo!
    A "sister" AND a neighbor!! I'm so happy you came to my other blog...I am hoping it will become a real place of sharing for everyone and be a true "uplift."
    Sending hugs from me,

  28. Hi, Charlene! So nice to meet you! I'm having so much fun visiting all of my new sisters....isn't this great?! You did a beautiful job with your rush project and photo--wonderful!

    Looking forward to getting to know you better...

    Julie from California

  29. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Nice to meet ya. Love your picture creation. Love all the "snaps" too.

  30. Charlene,
    thank you for stoppying by Graceful Moments and leaving such wonderful comments. I am so grateful that my recent posts have been encouraging to you.

    I love what you have done with the blogerette picture. The pictures of you, taking a picture, is just delightful.

    God has blessed me to meet some wonderful people since beginning my blog and what a joy to meet you today.

    Blessings to you today, my friend. I hope to hear from you again soon.

    In Grace,

  31. Hey Sister,
    Nice to meet you, thanks for the visit and comment. Looking forward to getting to know you.

  32. I got a big kick out of the humor you made out of camera trouble!! Your pic and resourceful creation turned out wonderful!!

  33. Hi Charlotte! So nice to meet you and be with you in the Bloggerette Society. You did a great job with the publishing software. Hope to visit again soon!

  34. Lovely to meet you, sister! I had a good laugh at your attemps to get a self portrait you liked. I did just the was the hardest part of the exercise, wasn't it? But your project looks wonderful!

    Thanks so much for stopping by my site. I'll sign up to join and come back to visit again...


  35. Hi Sister~!
    Love the card you made. Thanks so much for visiting me. Having all these new sisters makes me happy..
    you asked what art program I used-- its psp pro 10 from corel. I have been teaching that several years and while there are other programs for me this is the most user friendly with the greatest range of abilities to produce anything your mind can imagine..


  36. Hello Fellow Bloggerette!
    I love your project! It's so sweet and feminine. I was just over at your food blog! You've got such yumminess going on over there! I'm headed back over there to get me some good recipes.:)

  37. Hi there Sorority Sister of mine! I looooove what you did with your picture girlfriend.I'm looking forward to our Sorority adventures and in following your blog. There are a lot of "Southern" gals in the Sorority. I'm from Arkansas.

    Hugs XX
    Moore Whimsies

  38. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm still trying to get around to everyone! Enjoyed all your photos!
    sandy :)

  39. Love the rose frame, the paper is sooo vintage! I too understand about the whole photo process! Nice to meet a new sista!

  40. Such a lovely rush piece and so nice to meet you! I'm a bit late getting over here! but glad I did!

  41. I love this! You did such a great job! Thanks for sharing! It has been so great to meet new people here in the sisterhood!
    Hugs, Lisa


Your $.02 Worth:


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