Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Homemaker's Haven--the Reaching Forward Edition

I'm running behind with this week's Homemaker's Haven post. I've had an up and down week all week, and, I'll admit it, a bit of a pity party for myself on a couple of days. Not that things were so bad, I just let myself get caught up in a downward spiral of "oh poor me". Do you ever have days or weeks like that?

I started off well--last Monday I did my Homemaker's Haven post, cleaned out the fridge, caught up on laundry, made a pot roast and generally got my week off to a good start. My plan was to do some shopping the next day--for the recipe/review posts for my food blog that I needed to do, and to start scouting out or gathering things for my budget holiday decorating that I mentioned last week. But as often happens with plans, things go awry in spite of our efforts--my husband made an appointment at the dealership to have some necessary maintenance work done on our vehicle-which meant no vehicle, no shopping for me. Okay, I can handle that. I decided not to start my Christmas baking yet--too early to keep it all without freezing, so that was postponed until late this week or early next week. Next, the weather got yucky--cold and damp and drizzly. I hadn't done any shopping yet, so I couldn't start decorating, or cooking or anything really creative. I got some news about an acquaintance that opened up a big can "what if's" and "if only I'd"--not bad news, just something that made me start to look at my own achievements--and lack thereof. My husband worked some extra hours last week, too, so I was alone most of the time-it was a snowball in the worst way! By the end of the week, I didn't even want to do anything fun or interesting or enriching. And so I didn't. And felt even worse.

I've been thinking for the last couple of days about where I went wrong--I started off well, but went downhill fast--each little thing built on the next--to paraphrase Song of Solomon--it's the little foxes that spoil the vine. I was also thinking about when the apostle Paul wrote (my paraphrase, again) "Those things I that I know to do, those things I don't do; and those things that I know I ought not to do, those things I do". Can I get a witness?!

But God is faithful and brings us encouragement and the good sense to know that His loving kindness is new every morning. And I think about some other words of the apostle Paul, found in Philippians, chapter three--"Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

Going up, anyone?

Until next time...


  1. We're all human and have those pity parties from time to time. The good thing is that you recognized it, put it behind you, and looked forward.


  2. Thank you for the encouragement, Jane, I appreciate it so much.


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