Thursday, October 1, 2009

Two Thrifty Fall Wreaths

  • She worketh willingly with her hands...

I was so pleased at the way my thrifty wreath (click for step-by-step directions) came out...

...I hounded my mother into letting me help her make one for her door, too.
We bought the ribbon, garland, and leaves at Dollar Tree for $1 each.
The hardest thing was finding a wreath--since Walmart quit carrying fabric and notions and has such a small crafts department now, small town shoppers don't have many options. We ended up going to Nicholls Department Store in Leesville--I love that store--they have everything from hunting supplies to kitchen gadgets, and has some of the most beautiful home decor "doings and makings". We chose a slightly larger one since her door is larger and much farther back from the road than mine, it was $6.XX (I can't remember the cents).
Even paying "retail" for the wreath, we came out at less than $10! She wrapped the ribbon first, then we wired the garland to the front with little twist tie thingies. The leaves are the ones with wire stems, just like I used, so those we were able to just push into the wreath and bend the stems around a bit to hold them.
And we finished just in time, too, since the lows got all the way down into the 60's last night! It was at least 10 o'clock this morning before my air conditioner clicked on, and the high today is only in the 80's.. Perfect Southern fall weather!
What fall craftiness have you been up to so far? For more links and ideas, click over to It's Fall, Ya'll! hosted by Rhoda at Southern Hospitality, the Monthly Craft Challenge at Blue Eyed Blessings, and the Fall Virtual Tour of Homes at the Tip Junkie.
Until next time...


  1. Hi, that's really cute! I admire people who take the time to create their own. Not like me - I went to Hobby Lobby and spent $20 on mine! :)

  2. I am so gonna make one of those. Our dollar tree has the wreaths in their craft section. But I am all the way out in CA, so they could carry different things. Love your wreath!

  3. Great job, amazing what a dollar store can have isn't it?! Like the first one especially!

  4. These are cute!! Good work.
    I hate that your WM closed the fabric dept. I have heard of this happening all over the place. Hopefully they will not discontinue at my WM, I think I keep them in business!!

  5. Hello Charlene - what a pretty Fall wreath! Looks so warm and welcoming on your door. Thank you for sharing!


  6. oh man, that is really cute. but i'm pretty lame (or just lazy) and reserve wreaths for xmas time only!

    i've been meaning to add you to my blogroll for a while now...i'm going to take the time to do that today!

    have a great weekend!

  7. I have a grapevine wreath just waiting for some leaves! Thanks for the idea-I love both of yours.

  8. You created something so pretty!

  9. Great work, Charlene! That's wonderful that you took the time to create something for your front door out of bits and pieces you have purchased (for cheap!). It's YOURS and unique for your house...unlike the one I purchased from Costco. ;) I always love the way wreaths brighten up the front door for the holidays. Thanks for joining in the Craft Challenge this month!


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