Friday, April 10, 2009

Philippians 3:14 Friday- April 10

I like having a "to-do" list, the only problem is, if I do something that isn't on the list, I want to add it so I can cross it off. This week has been like that. I've accomplished a little of what I set out to do, but some of it has been sorely lacking. My justification is that I've did some additional things that weren't on my list (!) so that should count for something, right?

These are the areas from my monthly goals that I've worked on:

For my Blog:

  • Participate in, and complete, the 31-Day Build A Better Blog challenge.
  • Take this opportunity to refocus on my original goals for A Virtuous Woman.

Although I haven't posted about what I'm doing for the 31DBBB challenge, I am doing the activities behind the scenes, and I've begun the refocus, as well.


This is my weakest area--the only thing I've done so far is try to be moderate in my eating most of the time.


I started my reading at Psalms 111 and haven't progressed to the Hallel yet, but I'm almost there. I attended a Messianic Passover Seder Wednesday night---participating in the "appointed times" ordained by the Lord have an especially profound impact on me becuase it isn't something I was raised up doing, it's something that I believe the Lord has brought me to, and that I do with purpose and thoughtfulness.


  • Establish a morning routine
  • Clean and organize the front bedroom/junk room
  • Fix my broken filing system--sort through and file/shred as needed

I posted Monday about my morning routine--I've been successful on most, but not all of these points this week-getting up at a regular time, making the bed, straightening the bathroom--I haven't always gotten dressed within an hour, or done my Bible reading and prayer before I leave the house, but overall I'd give myself a 75/100.

In the front bedroom/junk room, I put our old computer back together so I could get some documents/files off of it before I find a new home for most of it. Once that gets moved out of the way, my next task is to organize the desk area and re-establish a filing system. I need to clean out craft supplies for things I no longer do, or are outdated, and then the hardest task of all--purge books.

How have you been about setting and meeting goals? Need to get it "out there" for accountability? Join everyone at Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman for Phillippians 3:14 Friday!

Until next time...


  1. I'm the same way with my to-do list. I sometimes add things I've already done, because crossing it off is the best part. =)

    They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so keep on going!

    "Which Proverbs 14:1 Woman?"

  2. Thanks for the encouragement!

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who adds things so I can cross them off!

  3. Good job! I do the very same thing with making lists and adding things I've already done just so I can cross it off! :)

    Keep up the good work!

  4. So wanted to participate but I am battling a nasty cold..maybe next week!

  5. Keep up the good work! Happy Easter!



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