Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This is For the Birds!

  • Who can find a virtuous woman? her price is far above rubies
  • She riseth while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her (feathered) household

Have you missed me? Tell the truth, did you even notice that I've been absent from the blogosphere a lot lately?

I've had issues.

Not major , capital "I" Issues, but issues, never-the-less. Internet issues. Computer issues. Camera issues. Household issues. Dental issues. Issues issues.

And so I will suffice it to say, Life Happens.

One of pleasures I've re-discovered while all of this Life has been Happening, is feeding the wild critters in my yard.

I used to love feeding the birds and squirrels and watching them outside my kitchen door. Then we had a stray cat that moved into the barn next door, which I also fed. I couldn't help it, I'm a sucker for a stray. And before we turned around twice, we had multiple cats who happily amused themselves chasing the birds and squirrels. And catching them, too. So I quit feeding the birds and squirrels because I felt as though I was luring them to their deaths. "Come my little fine-feathered friends, and feast upon this wonderful bounty of seeds. Just try not to look at the cats crouching below and eagerly licking their lips."

Then we moved away and with no free hand-outs(and a few human efforts to discourage them), the stray cats have all but disappeared.

So now that I'm home for while, I put out a new bird feeder, the wildlife has been flocking around. They can feast in comparative safety, on the feeder....

...and even on the ground below.

My only issue now is keeping the squirrels from chewing through the cord that holds it all up--which I've now craftily replaced with wire.

This post is linked to:

Outdoor Wednesday at A Southern Daydreamer

Until next time...


  1. Love the birdfeeder, it's one of my favorite pasttimes too.

  2. So relaxing to watch the birds! Hope from now on you only have good issues to deal with!! Have a great Outdoor Wednesday and have a Happy Easter too! Sherri : )

  3. We all understand about life happening. Thanks for the sweet bird pictures.


  4. Yes, we missed you! We had a bird feeder for awhile, but it seemed to attract ants.

  5. Here's hoping your issues get resolved soon. LOL




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