Monday, November 9, 2009

Homemaker's Haven

  • She looketh well to the ways of her household
Welcome to this week's Homemaker's Haven post, hosted by Stephanie at A High and Noble Calling.

Last week we discussed the importance of working to make our homes a haven from the world for our families, using the 4 P's--Prayer, Prioritize, Plan, and Progress.

Even though I knew it was time a new installment, this week's post is a little bit late because of another P--Procrastination. And the main reason I procrastinated--lack of Progress toward working my Plan and keeping my Priorities! (and probably not enough Prayer, either!)

As I look back over my post from last week, I realized that there were several things that I wrote about that I didn't actually do--even though I know from experience that it works better for me that way.
  • There were several days that I didn't get up and get dressed or start my morning routine right away. When I don't, it messes up my whole day--everything runs late, and I just don't get as much done.
  • While I set myself a couple of goals for the week and wrote about them in the post, I didn't write them down on my list or in a planner that I actually looked at daily--as a result, my priorities did get a bit skewed.

This week's goals are pretty much the same as last week's, although slightly re-worked:

  1. Prayer IS my priority
  2. Tweak my morning routine, and actually DO it
  3. Write things DOWN-whether a grocery list, to-do list, or whatever-list

What are you doing this week to make your home a haven?

Until next time...


  1. It's funny how a routine helps get things done. I know that my house is a wreck this week because my usual routine is thrown off kilter with all these appointments have!


  2. I don't have any excuse, just laziness, I guess, but my routine has been non-existent--just like my progress around the house!

  3. Routine is very important, however sometimes a break is a welcomed event. I wouldn't beat yourself up too much.

  4. I feel so off when I don't have a routine, and I am not sticking to it! Thanks for participating!


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