Thursday, January 14, 2010

More "Found" Treasures--White Serving Bowls

  • She is like the merchant's ships, she bringeth her food (and other things) from afar
  • She looketh well to the ways of her household

( forgive the diet coke can in the corner. oops.)

Remember last week when I shared the pretty little Homer Laughlin plate I found among my dishes that I'd forgotten I had? Well, these are some serving dishes that I knew I had, but I think I'd forgotten how many of them I already have (and I still look at white serving bowls every time I see one.) Some of these I've had for a while, and my memory of where they came from is a bit fuzzy, so I hope I am telling the truth about where I got them.

This bowl belonged to my grandmother, my daddy's mother. When I showed everyone the Homer Laughlin serving bowl I bought recently, I mentioned that while we usually serve our plates straight from the stove, my grandmother always put everything in bowls and platters and put them on the table, even for an everyday meal. She had a variety of different sizes and shapes of bowls, all of them white or off-white. Some of them patterned, most of them plain, but always with a white or cream background. I'm not sure if it's one of her older ones or a newer purchase, there's no marking on the bottom, but it definitely has a history.

I think this one came from the Salvation Army thrift store in Colorado Springs. It's from J&G Meakin, there are several different patterns that go by the name "Lifestyle", all of which seem to have the speckled look with the brown rim. Some are plain, like this one, some sets had flowers on them as well. I can find lots of these on e-Bay, etc, but can't find anything that tells me when these patterns were made. I would guess 70's, if you know, be sure and leave a comment!

This one was bought at the same time as the one above, again we think at the Salvation Army thrift store in Colorado Springs when we lived there a few years ago. It has no marking, so I have no idea of the pattern, maker, or age, but...

...I noticed when I was taking pictures that it's the same pattern, although a different size as the one that came from my grandmother. Apparently not used as much, though!

And last but not least, another with no marking, but one of my favorites, this one came to me through a little church in southwest Louisiana. We were cleaning out a storage area and found a bunch of stuff left over from a rummage sale, so we pulled everything and out and let everyone just take what they wanted before the rest was hauled off to the dump, and I got this.

I think I see a definite pattern here, don't you?

This post is linked to:

Thrifty Thursday at Tales from Bloggeritaville

Vintage Thingie Thursday at Colradolady

Three-or-More Tuesday at The Gypsy's Corner

Until next time...


  1. I see a pattern. In you. Not on the china. LOL! Gotta love white.

  2. Great dishes. I love to find white dishes to use. It goes with everything :-)


  3. Great white serving bowls! I love anything white. So classy. Dress it up. Dress it down. I enjoyed your post.

  4. I love white serving bowls too, I have one like the one with the swirls, but I don't have any idea of the maker. Great post....use your bowls and enjoy them!!

  5. Yes..I do see a pattern here..hmmmm.
    she says..I think we have a collector on our hands. A collector of beautiful white service pieces. They're so pretty..I just love them. I love the memory of your grandmother setting a full complete table..however did those sweet ladies
    ever manage to do all that they did, and still have time for the wonderful needleart that's passed on down to us today.

  6. My mom has that last, unmarked one. She has an entire set of the china, actually. I love it!

  7. I LOVE white dishes and VINTAGE white dishes are for sure the best...thanks for sharing yours...they are soooo pretty:)


  8. What sweet bowls - do you use them now or are you going to start using them more?

  9. Great finds! I too LOVE white dishes. So versatle! Sorry I am so late. As it ended up,
    we did have a (6 hour) 2AM-8Am stint in the ER with my son. Praise God, all is ok. But,it's taken me some time to recover from being up all night. Alas, I am late in getting around to everyone this week. My apologies.
    Sincere thanks for linking up to Tales from Bloggeritville Thrifty Thursday!

    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  10. Dishes with a history are the best kind...Love that white!!!

  11. I love old white serving bowls...they are comforting for some reason!


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