Tuesday, October 14, 2008

She is not afraid...

  • She is not afraid of the snow for her household; for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
I read an thought-provoking post at MommySnacks this morning, in"Can you see His hand?" Andrea talks about being thankful for Jesus's hands.

It reminded me of something that went around Christian circles awhile back, when everyone was always saying, "Seek the Lord's face, and not His hand", meaning, don't just look to the Lord for what He does, but look to Him for who He is.

It's a good thing to worship the Lord for who He is, to spend time in the presence of the Lord without always asking for things, but I've started changing the way I pray about that. "Lord, show me your face and your hands. Allow me to be in Your presence, but thank your for also taking care of my needs and my circumstances." I don't ever want to take Him for granted, but I do so appreciate the things that He does do for us, and what He's already done for us.

What does this have to be being "not afraid?" See my post here or below, about fear and worry in these times of economic uncertainty. During times of crises, worry, and fear, seeking the Lords face and His hands is what keeps us from being consumed with fear.

So spend some time with the Lord today; seek His face; but thank Him for His hands.

Until next time...


  1. Great post!

    I have let God be in control over so much in my life yet I have had my thoughts of how I could control something with the economy. He sure has given me wisdom beyond my own understanding with how my money can stretch and just being a good financial steward. Yet, at the end of the day, I still go to Him and pray for His guidance and loving touch. He is the only one that will provide for me when the day is done.

  2. Thanks for allowing the link back to your post!


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